long freight train riding on rail with field of young soybeans in front of it

The Nines Tmes Tables

All we've got left are 9,3,6,7 and 8.  

' times tables chart facts from 0 to 10 with zeroes, ones, tens, twos, fives and fours blank

So, the nines!!! Here's what they look like on the times tables chart: 

times tables chart showing only nines

The nines are different from the ones we've learned already, with their own special patterns.They are mildly amazing. 

Here is a video as well as the powerpoint slides I made first. You'll have to hit the "back" button right now to get back to this page. 

Ready for a quiz on the Nines?  (this is the older version, but if you miss one, you get an easy one then a repeat.) 


Quiz with icons

There will be more quizzes with different kinds of practice. There's also the mathisfun.com multiplication trainer practice. 

Next Fact:  The Threes!