long freight train riding on rail with field of young soybeans in front of it

The Threes Tmes Tables

What's left?  3,6,7,8

' times tables chart facts from 0 to 10 with zeroes, ones, tens, twos, fives, fours and nines blank

Okay, what do the 3s look like on the times tables chart? 

times tables chart showing only threes

The threes are like the nines; there are 3 groups of 3 in every 9.

Here are links to videos as well as the powerpoint slides I made first. You may have to hit the "back" button right now to get back to this page.

Ready for a quiz on the Threes?  (this is the older version, but if you miss one, you get an easy one then a repeat.)  


Quiz with icons

There will be more quizzes with different kinds of practice.  There's also mathisfun.com Multiplication Trainer

NEXT FACT (almost done!) ... SIXES