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Home > Math > times tables practice > zeroes times tables practice




Stage One, Level One:

No-Frills Math Times Tables Practice: Test One.

Answer these questions; when you're done, click "grade me!" and you'll find out how many you got right.

The zeroes are the easiest to remember. There are a few times tables that are infamous for being very difficult to remember. If you'd like a head start on them, try the bonus question at the end.

  1. 8 x 0=
  2. 1 x 0=
  3. 0 x 0=
  4. 9 x 0=
  5. 4 x 0=
  6. 24 x 0=
  7. 897 x 0=
  8. 5 x 0=
  9. 7 x 0=
  10. 2 x 0=
  11. 10 x 0=
  12. 3 x 0=
  13. 6 x 0=
  14. n x 0=
  15. skunks x 0=
  16. BONUS!!! 7 x 6=




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