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Times Tables Test - Stage Two, Level One Practice

The Twos Times Tables In Order

Numbers that you can divide by two are "even" because you can split that many things into two even piles. Even numbers alwaysend in 2, 4, 6, 8 or 0. If you multiply an even number by anything, the answer always even.

Practice this page until you can hear these in your mind (or your sleep :)). Say them, see them, and do them.

  1. 2 x 0=
  2. 2 x 1=
  3. 2 x 2=
  4. 2 x 3=
  5. 2 x 4=
  6. 2 x 5=
  7. 2 x 6=
  8. 2 x 7=
  9. 2 x 8=
  10. 2 x 9=
  11. 2 x 10=
  12. 6 x 2=
  13. 2 x 7=
  14. 8 x 2=
  15. 2 x 9=




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