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Gifted Review
Gifted and
Learning Disabled
Materials Review
GiftedIdentifying and Meeting the Needs of the Twice-Exceptional Student,
Edited by Kiesa Kay Avocus
Publishing |
Uniquely Gifted: Identifying and Meeting the
Needs of the Twice-Exceptional Student explores
the nature and needs of "brilliant, creative thinkers"
who also have disabilities which mean they do not "fit
the system."
Despite the broadness of the "twice-exceptional"
terminology which is used throughout the book, it's primary
focus is on gifted and learning disabled students, including
those falling under the autism umbrella, and touching on students
with emotional disorders. It does not deal with physical disabilities
with the exception of a three-page contribution by a person
who had low vision in his youth, and subsequent problems with
handwriting and with complying with the arbitrary academic
demands of high school. If I were to change anything about
the book, it would be to define its audience and subject more
There is a tendency for a label to put a distance between
us as it defines us. The first task that Uniquely Gifted
tackles is to turn "twice-exceptional" people from
a category to a group of humans. . By reading the first section,
"Family Matters: Perspectives from Family Members"
we also rediscover that people are far more dynamic and prone
to change than their labels, whether the change is positive
or negative, and just how much of an impact the learning environment
can have on whether those changes will be positive or negative.
Uniquely Gifted takes on the challenge of going beyond
personal stories, though, and covering educational issues,
and research and theory regarding gifted people with learning
challenges. The question of finding the right placement is
discussed, including excellent ideas for ways to work with
gifted programs (make accommodations) and students (teach
creative strategies) to enhance the match between student
and program. In perhaps the most useful analogy to bring to
an IEP meeting, Marca Nemeth-Taylor compares interpreting
the often average IQ score of the gifted/LD student to deciding
a person must be comfortable with a bucket of ice around one
foot, the other foot in a fire, because, after all, the average
temperature is in the comfort zone. The "Bridging the
Perspectives" article is very helpful in describing how
differently a child can be perceived by him/herself, teachers
and parents, and the importance of understanding all three
perspectives to collaborate effectively. Barbara Guyer's article
on college and the learning disabled students has many practical
tips for increasing the odds of success in the college setting
in her description of the "Higher Education for Learning
Problems" (H.E.L.P.) program at Marshall University.
I especially appreciated the space and detail devoted to
sensory integration issues, as these are often poorly understood.
A pervasive myth persists that a bright child is allowed to
be "klutzy," as if somehow that makes the world
more fair, and that sensory sensitivity issues are things
that a person should (somehow) learn to ignore. Carol Stock
Kranowitz breaks down the different sensory issues with many
examples of how a sensory integration problem can manifest
itself, and offers suggestions for "appropriate,"
socially acceptable ways of coping with sensory integration
issues. I also appreciated the acknowledgement in the discussion
of the uses of technology for this population that yes, in
fact, drill and repetition are sometimes a good thing and
not to be dismissed out of hand.
Other articles discuss specific teaching strategies and curriculum
design issues, high potential and antisocial behavior, and
the role and potential role of technology in teaching and
learning for students with disabilities. The third section
is devoted to research and theory. There is a mixture descriptions
of research about gifted and gifted/disabled people, and descriptions
of various models for understanding the conflicts gifted students
often have in academic settings. This is perhaps the most
fascinating section of the book, and the variety of perspectives
helps the reader keep from getting ensnared in any single
way of thinking about the issues.
The fourth section offers many examples of settings where
the educational needs of twice-exceptional students are considered
a priority. Again, having various perspectives gives the reader
keen insight into the common threads as well as unique characteristics
of the various settings. It is quickly clear that it *is*
possible to have a high level of challenge, but without the
arbitrary standards that keep challenge out of the reach of
gifted/LD students. Public and private programs were discussed;
the descriptions of the public programs were more general
and often emphasized early identification, while the private
programs tended to go into more detail, and to be secondary
or post-secondary. I would have liked more specific coverage
of early intervention rather than simply acknowledging the
need for identification at that level, and for private gifted/LD
settings for elementary students to be included.
The book concludes with an invaluable collection of educational
resources, both general and specific. Between the resources
listed there and the names and places described in the articles,
the person searching for more information will be able to
find it. This alone makes it a book worth having on your shelf.
There are rough edges to the book. In the same paragraph
as the 'hot foot, cold foot' analogy, Marca Nemeth-Taylor
says that high scores "ameliorate" low scores --
which means they make them better -- and they certainly do
not. In a discussion of self-esteem issues for twice-exceptional
students, the population is defined as "particularly
emotionally fragile," but counselors are implored to
be aware of the "low vulnerability of this population."
All the other discussion would indicate high, rather than
low vulnerability. "A Second Look At Attention Deficit
Disorder" the authors state that ADD children "share
a strikingly common attribute: They have a visual, right-brained
learning style." I have to feel very sorry for the auditory,
left-brained child with ADD who might be placed in that classroom,
though the child with that profile is much less likely to
be sent there. However, those authors began that discussion
with a caveat about writing from personal perspective, and
the format of the book makes it clear that each contribution
represents the views of the individual author(s). If nothing
else, the article accents the importance of finding a setting
that matches the individual student.
This book is an excellent resource for understanding the
very complicated people and issues involved when giftedness
and learning difficulties coincide. It would serve as a wonderful
springboard for discussions as well as a reference to grope
for when thinking "but somebody has to know *something*
to do about this!"