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Times Tables Test - Stage One, Level Four

The Tens Times Tables

For whole numbers, you can apply this rule:

When you multiply by ten
Stick a zero at the end.

At this level, you're also expected to know that in multiplication you can switch numbers back and forth; that 3 x 10 is the same thing as 10 x 3. If you don't believe this, try making 10 rows of 3 pennies and looking at it sideways -- it's 3 rows of 10 pennies.

  1. 10 x 1=
  2. 3 x 10=
  3. 10 x 10=
  4. 9 x 10=
  5. 10 x 0=
  6. 7 x 10=
  7. 10 x 5=
  8. 2 x 10=
  9. 8 x 10=
  10. 10 x 4=
  11. 10 x 6=
  12. 5 x 10=
  13. 10 x 7=
  14. 10 x 3=
  15. Challenge yourself! 214 x 10=
  16. BONUS!! 7 x 6=



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