Everything is CC-BY licensed.  Just use it :) 

Introduction to Fractions 


Fractions With One (n/n, n/1, 1/n)



Intro practice worksheet

Adding fractions that are one and zero worksheet

1 - a fraction worksheet

Here's another printable worksheet with a few questions! 

Adding Fractions with Different Denominators with more and better visuals: 



The Power of 0:    Powerpoint,   JPG image, and Word Document

Properties of 1:   Powerpoint, Jpg Image, and Word Document

Short video of using remove.bg to make 

Powerpoint "Factoring Guide" for what it's worth :P 

Poster Session Faculty Summer Institute 2023 Sue Jones

References (Works Cited) 

Google Doc of works cited   (with proper hanging indent formatting)  

Annotated References, in order of appearance. (Google Doc) 

My YouTube Channel 

My Blog 

Those references... 

Anderson, P., Pribesh, S., & Williams, M. R. (2020). A Matched-Samples Comparison of Pass Rates for Students Coenrolled in Developmental Education and College-Level Math Compared to Similar Non-Coenrolled Students. Community College Enterprise, 26(2), 24–36.


Ashford, Ellie (Jan. 13, 2020)  Florida colleges meet developmental ed challenge. Community College Daily  https://www.ccdaily.com/2020/01/florida-colleges-meet-developmental-ed-challenge/ 


Benken, B. M., Ramirez, J., Xuhui, L., & Wetendorf, S. (2015). Developmental Mathematics Success: Impact of Students’ Knowledge and Attitudes. Journal Of Developmental Education, 38(2), 14-31.


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Boylan, H. R. (1995). Making the case for developmental education. Research in Developmental Education, 12(2), 1-4


Cafarella B. Developmental Math: What's the Answer?. Community College Enterprise [serial online]. Spring2016 2016;22(1):55-67


Cafarella B. Acceleration and Compression in Developmental Mathematics: Faculty Viewpoints. Journal Of Developmental Education [serial online]. Winter2016 2016;39(2):12-25. https://files.eric.ed.gov/fulltext/EJ1117729.pdf 


Complete College America. (2012). Remediation: Higher education's bridge to nowhere. Retrieved from http://www.completecollege.org/docs/CCA-Remediation-final.pdf 

Cox R. “You’ve Got to Learn the Rules”: A Classroom-Level Look at Low Pass Rates in Developmental Math. Community College Review [serial online]. July 2015;43(3):264-286.
Curry D. Where to Focus so Students Become College and Career Ready. Journal Of Research & Practice For Adult Literacy, Secondary & Basic Education [serial online]. Spring2017 2017;6(1):62.

 Emblom-Callahan, M., Burgess-Palm, N., Davis, S., Decker, A., Diritto, H., Dix, S., Parker, C., & Styles, E. (2019). Accelerating Student Success: The Case for Corequisite Instruction. Inquiry: The Journal of the Virginia Community Colleges, 22 (1). Retrieved from https://commons.vccs.edu/inquiry/vol22/iss1/12 


Fay, Maggie P. “Students: Just Say No to Remedial Classes.” Inside Higher Ed, 9 Jan. 2023, www.insidehighered.com/views/2023/01/09/students-should-refuse-remedial-placements-opinion.


Fong K, Melguizo T, Prather G. Increasing Success Rates in Developmental Math: The Complementary Role of Individual and Institutional Characteristics. Research In Higher Education [serial online]. November 2015;56(7):719-749.

Ginsburg L. What’s an Adult Numeracy Teacher to Teach? Negotiating the Complexity of Adult Numeracy Instruction. Journal Of Research & Practice For Adult Literacy, Secondary & Basic Education [serial online]. Spring2017 2017;6(1):57.  also https://www.researchgate.net/publication/2821862_Instructional_Strategies_for_Teaching_Adult_Numeracy_Skills/link/544e27740cf2bca5ce8eef3c/download   

Goudas, A. M. (2017). Editorial: Bait and switch college reforms. Journal of Developmental Education, 42(1), 24–26. https://www.jstor.org/stable/44987510  http://communitycollegedata.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/2018JDEBaitAndSwitchGoudas.pdf  Updated to 2018 and updated again in 2020 http://communitycollegedata.com/articles/the-corequisite-reform-movement/ 


Logue, A. W., Watanabe-Rose, M., & Douglas, D. (2016). Should Students Assessed as Needing Remedial Mathematics Take College-Level Quantitative Courses Instead? A Randomized Controlled Trial. Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis, 38(3), 578–598. https://doi.org/10.3102/0162373716649056


Newcomb, R. (2022, October 18). Developmental education or cultural assimilation? finding the right path at a tribal college: UT dana center. The University of Texas Dana Center. https://www.utdanacenter.org/blog/developmental-education-or-cultural-assimilation-finding-right-path-tribal-college  

Nix, Amanda N., et al. “Equality, Efficiency, and Developmental Education Reform: The Impact of SB 1720 on the Mission of the Florida College System.” Community College Review, vol. 48, no. 1, Jan. 2020, pp. 55–76. EBSCOhost, https://doi.org/10.1177/0091552119876327.   

The RP Group (Research, Planning and Professional Development for California Community Colleges). (2021, August). Maximizing math throughput of students who did not complete algebra 2 in High School  RPGroup.com  https://www.mtsac.edu/governance/committees/spas/docs/09202021/MaximizingMathThroughputOfStudentsWhoDidNotCompleteAlgebra2InHighSchool-final-August2021.pdf  

Park, T., Woods, C. S., Hu, S., Bertrand Jones, T., & Tandberg, D. (2018). What Happens to Underprepared First-Time-in-College Students When Developmental Education is Optional? The Case of Developmental Math and Intermediate Algebra in the First Semester. Journal of Higher Education, 89(3), 318–340. Full article: What Happens to Underprepared First-Time-in-College Students When Developmental Education is Optional? The Case of Developmental Math and Intermediate Algebra in the First Semester        

Saxon D, Martirosyan N. NADE Members Respond: Improving Accelerated Developmental Mathematics Courses. Journal Of Developmental Education [serial online]. Fall2017 2017;41(1):24-27   https://files.eric.ed.gov/fulltext/EJ1192554.pdf 


Showalter D, Wollett C, Reynolds S. Teaching a High-Level Contextualized Mathematics Curriculum  to Adult Basic Learners. Journal Of Research & Practice For Adult Literacy, Secondary & Basic Education [serial online]. Summer2014 2014;3(2):21.

 Smith, A. D. (2019). Relationship between Required Corequisite Learning and Success in College Algebra. Georgia Journal of College Student Affairs, 35(1). https://doi.org/10.20429/gcpa.2019.350103   

Stigler, J.W. et al. (2010) What community college developmental mathematics students understand about mathematics. MathAMATYC Educ. 10, 4–16 https://www.carnegiefoundation.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/stigler_dev-math.pdf 


Weisburst E, Daugherty L, Miller T, Martorell P, Cossairt J. Innovative Pathways Through Developmental Education and Postsecondary Success: An Examination of Developmental Math Interventions Across Texas. Journal Of Higher Education [serial online]. March 2017;88(2):183-209. 


Zientek L, Schneider C, Onwuegbuzie A. Instructors' Perceptions About Student Success and  Placement in Developmental Mathematics Courses. Community College Enterprise [serial online]. Spring2014 2014;20(1):67-84. https://home.schoolcraft.edu/cce/20.1.67-84.pdf