Where I post assorted thoughts and links relating to learning, specifically learning difficulties, learning disabilities, dyslexia, dysgraphia, "dyscalculia" and all the other reasons people struggle with numbers and math and arithmetic, reading, Orton-Gillingham stuff and ... whatever!

Monday, December 28, 2009

algebra project

In my assorted cleanings I have *not* successfully located my copy of the algebra project book, which I am confident would have my father grinning in his grave. So, I've googled instead. An amen moment from one of 'em: "one group might have got that answer using an approach that's not mathematically sound... we need to make students understand... the reason a rule work is because it's tried and true...and it works every time in that situation." And then, that it's the teacher's job to figure out when a student has applied their non-valid reasoning to get the right answer. Oh, *please,* can I hear an amen?
Note that she didn't say the student used an approach different from the one that the teacher presented, but one that was **not** **mathematically** **valid.**
Now... to have teachers who know the difference!!!!

My students believe sometimes that it's all a complete mystery -- the rules work when they work, but there are exceptions and really only those other people -- the elite Smart People Who Know Math -- who know when.


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