Where I post assorted thoughts and links relating to learning, specifically learning difficulties, learning disabilities, dyslexia, dysgraphia, "dyscalculia" and all the other reasons people struggle with numbers and math and arithmetic, reading, Orton-Gillingham stuff and ... whatever!

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Insteressting... Verry insteresting... went to www.thefutureschannel.com and read Jaime Escalante's opinions on education. Very, very nuts & bolts; he even says that basically, psychology and education shouldn't be mixing as much as we do... that if we know how to teach, we can do psychology some other time. He also talks about how drugs keep kids from learning and cause bodily harm... and includes "school-administered Ritalin" in the mix. Probably a reasonable conclusion for him to draw based on his experiences but for a guy touting "prove things before you use them," he's accepting "proof" that kids shouldn't use Ritalin before he'd accept "proof" of other things, I suspect. On the other hand, I'm sure he'd say "where's the proof for Ritalin" and he would certainly have a valid point. On the third hand... when it's *you* the only proof you need is that it works... and fortunately you don't even need to inform that math teacher about it.
Anyway, it seems he's "landed" out there at the futures channel, which has a nice exercises for hands-on manipulative explanations. Most of the stuff is a little advanced for my folks which of course makes me wonder whether *if* they'd been taught that way *before* they left high school, it might not have been too advanced. Never know.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's Liz from I Speak of Dreams I couldn't find the passage you referenced.

It's remarkable the feelings medication for kids stirs up. Nobody gets their knickers in a knot over insulin treatment for diabetic kids, or treating kids' allergies with medication...but ADD?

Did you see the new issue of ADDitude magazine on Preschoolers and Attention Deficit Disorder? John Wills Lloyd also has more details on the studies.

9:42 AM

Blogger SueJ said...

Try this link for the right page; click on the "preventing drug use" section for the ritalin comments.
I'm not terribly surprised that people have difficulty with medicating something that still has a pretty subjective diagnosis, which diabetes and allergies do not, especially since he may in fact see more kiddos selling the stuff than using it appropriately at the high school level ... and getting a *good* ADHD dx can be a real challenge. It seems Mr. E. is a pretty absolute kind of guy, and prob'ly figures he doesn't have to answer to anybody :(
The pre-school article is interesting and I like that it presents the complications of the issue. I am reasonably sure that there are lots of combinations of causes that create honest-to-goodness ADHD ... and differnet ones would benefit from different treatments.

10:27 AM


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