Where I post assorted thoughts and links relating to learning, specifically learning difficulties, learning disabilities, dyslexia, dysgraphia, "dyscalculia" and all the other reasons people struggle with numbers and math and arithmetic, reading, Orton-Gillingham stuff and ... whatever!

Thursday, July 26, 2007

http://www.algebasics.com/index.html - how did I forget to post this baby?

Not "connecting visual to abstract," but nice examples broken down and answered step by step for you.


Anonymous John Wills Lloyd said...

Yes, algebasics is pretty cool. It's nice to have the coordinated audio and video demonstrations. It's also nice to be able to move back and forth through the demonstrations.

It'd be even cooler if (a) there were mutliple examples of each concept and (b) the examples were scaffolded so that the watcher would have to respond more and more (e.g., complete parts of the examples her- or himself).

6:42 AM


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