Where I post assorted thoughts and links relating to learning, specifically learning difficulties, learning disabilities, dyslexia, dysgraphia, "dyscalculia" and all the other reasons people struggle with numbers and math and arithmetic, reading, Orton-Gillingham stuff and ... whatever!

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Okay, let's start with Lynne Anderson-Inman's session on computer based studying. This isn't just "how to use Inspiration for fun and profit;" these are structured lessons in learning to study designed for students who are *struggling.* And, unlike so many "reluctant learner" kinds of programs, it doesn't ignore that "little" reason so many students struggle: not being able to read. (It doesn't assume that if you just read to people, they won't need support, either.)

They have a full-blown online curriculum including an online course in study strategies. Yo. Anybody can take the course (I don't know about cost or what effect living in Oregon would have on your eligibility to take it). There's a real live teacher "behind" it; it's not just independent study (here's the product, cash the check, thank you very much). Homeschoolers, are you listening? It's at http://coolschool.k12.or.us/ - COOLSchool.

More soon....


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